Closing Performance by Coro Perosi
1. | 搖籃曲 Lullaby | 林樂培(1926-2023) Doming Lam(1926-2023) |
2. | 感謝之歌 Our Thanksgiving Song (v. 2022) | 林平良(1961-) Young Lam(1961-) |
3. | 歡唱大自然 Sing the Nature | 伍星洪(1947-) João Ng(1947-) |
Accompanist: Basilla Sam
Conductor: João Ng

嚶鳴合唱團/ Coro Perosi
嚶鳴合唱團多次赴國內及外地推廣澳門本土作品,於二零一一年及二零一三年分別到司馬榮神父及區師達神父的出生地――奧地利的Hornstein鎮和葡萄牙的阿速爾群島,演繹他們的合唱作品,將兩位神父在澳門的作品帶回家鄉。此外,於二零一五年及二零一八年分別開展“意大利音樂之旅” 及“台灣音樂之旅”,在兩地舉行多場音樂會,介紹澳門本土合唱作品。
Coro Perosi, with the objectives of promoting the art of choral singing, cultivating interest in music and boosting Macao’s musical culture, was founded in 1997, and was registered as a non-profit music body in April 1998. The Choir has performed choral music of various sorts, ranging from religious hymns and a cappella pieces and folk songs from different countries, to Chinese art songs and Broadway musical tunes, as well as Macao’s local compositions, some of which composed by the group itself.
Coro Perosi is frequently invited by the Government to perform in major functions, including: the Macao Handover Ceremony in 1999, the 19th Macao International Music Festival, EXPO 2010 Shanghai. The Choir has been performing many times in Macao Arts Festival, Easter Concert and also Christmas Concert, held by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of MSAR.
The Choir plays an active role in promoting the works of local composers in recent years. These efforts include concerts such as “Choral Works of Fr. Áureo Castro”, “Choral Works of Doming Lam”, “Macao Pieces” and “Choral Works of Fr. Guilherme Schmid in Macao”. And in 2008 the Choir collaborated with Saint Joseph Center for Christian Studies of the University of Saint Joseph (formerly known as Macao Inter-University Institute) in the recording and release of an album of “Macao Choral Works from the Beginning of the 20th Century to the Present”.
Besides Macao, Coro Perosi has also travelled to different places in China on many occasions for performances and promotion of Macao’s local choral compositions. And in 2011 and 2013, the Choir went to Austria (Hornstein) and Portugal (Azores) respectively, in order to perform the choral works of Fr. Guilherme Schmid and Fr. Áureo Castro in their homelands. In 2015, Coro Perosi organized “Musical Tour to Italy”, which aimed at promoting Macao’s local choral pieces in many cities of Italy. In 2018, organized “Musical Tour to Taiwan”, held “Macao Choral Pieces Concert” in Taipei.
指揮簡介 / Conductor
伍星洪 / João Ng
出生於澳門,自幼醉心於古典音樂,曾參與澳門多個堂區歌詠團及澳門複音合唱團。一九六九年與友人共創復民合唱團,從創團起至一九八二年一直擔任指揮,且每年領導該團作公開演出。伍氏曾隨美國音樂家Charles Duncan和澳門聖庇護十世音樂學院前院長區師達神父習和聲及作曲。一九九七年與林平良等人創立嚶鳴合唱團,並一直任指揮之職。二零零零年憑《歡唱大自然》一曲在香港童聲合唱協會與香港學校音樂及朗誦協會合辦的“童聲合唱歌曲創作大賽”C組(適合初中學生演唱)中獲得冠軍。伍氏一向關注澳門本土合唱作品的發掘、創作和推廣,於二零零五年起開始有計劃和有系統地帶領嚶鳴合唱團舉辦澳門本土合唱作品演唱會及進行專輯的錄製工作,該專輯的發行和啟聲儀式亦在主禮嘉賓和約二百位聽眾的見證下,於二零零八年十一月二十二日所舉行的“二十世紀初至今的澳門本土合唱作品專輯發行演唱會”中完成。亦因此,伍氏於二零零九年獲澳門特別行政區政府頒授功績獎狀,以表揚其對澳門文化的貢獻。二零一零年,確證一部在蓮溪廟舊物攤發現的《降B大調彌撒曲》為司馬榮神父所作。伍氏其他的合唱作品有《亞利路亞》、《一星弱火》、《秋夕》、《天主經》、《聖母頌》及《歡欣聖誕》等。
Born in Macao, João Ng’s love for classical music started at an early age. He has participated in a few church choirs and the Grupo Coral Polifónico. In 1969, he established the Folkman Choir with his friends and had been the conductor leading concerts annually till 1982; Ng studied harmony and composing under the guidance of American musician Charles Duncan and the former principal of St. Pio X Academy of Music, Fr. Áureo da Costa Nunes e Castro. In 1997, Ng, together with Young Lam and other music lovers, established the Coro Perosi, and since then, Ng has been the conductor of the Choir. In 2000, his song Sing the Nature won the 1st prize in the contest for composing choral songs for children (junior high students) held by Hong Kong Treble Choirs’ Association and Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association. He is an earnest advocate for discovering, composing and promoting local choral works of Macao. With careful planning, he has been leading the Coro Perosi in performing at a series of concerts featuring Macao’s local choral pieces since 2005. And during the same period of time he spearheaded the project of making a special album of these choral works. And the ceremony marking the birth of this album took place on 22 November, 2008, at the ‘Macao Choral Works from the Beginning of the 20th Century to the Present’ Album Release Concert, under the witness of officiating guests and an audience of about 200. And in honour of his effort in contributing to Macao’s cultural advancement, the Macao SAR Government awarded Ng the Certificate of Merit in 2009. In 2010, Ng proved that a Mass in Bb major, discovered in a second-hand stall in Templo de Lin Kai, was written by the late Father Guilherme Schmid. Ng’s other choral pieces include Alleluia, A Faint Spark, The Double Seventh Night, The Lord’s Prayer, Ave Maria, Happy Christmas, etc.
伴奏簡介 / Accompanist
沈穎瑤 Basilla Sam
出生於澳門,六歲開始習琴,師從李寶田,後進入聖庇護十世音樂學院跟隨楊秀君老師學習,曾獲學院頒發的成績優異獎。曾參與由文化司署(現文化局)舉辦之澳門青年音樂比賽,獲第一、二、三名等獎項。中學畢業後,往美國愛荷華大學攻讀平面設計,副修音樂,以榮譽學士學位畢業。期間考獲皇家音樂學院八級鋼琴。畢業後再往紐約視覺藝術學院繼續深造,完成碩士學位。二零零三年返澳後,從事有關文化發展之工作。並跟隨Tatiana Kriger老師深造,於二零零六年考獲皇家學院鋼琴演奏級文憑;二零一二年於澳門聖若瑟大學修讀聖樂禮儀文憑課程,並曾隨Professor Aurelio Porfiri學習管風琴。由二零零六年起一直為澳門嚶鳴合唱團擔任鋼琴伴奏,並曾隨團到奧地利及亞洲地區參與演出。沈氏於二零二零年九月獲李斌生主教委任為聖庇護十世音樂學院院長。
Born in Macao, Basilla Sam began her piano lessons at the age of six, under the guidance of Lei Pou Tin. She then entered the Academia de Música São Pio X learning from Ieong Sao Kuan. Basilla had ever won the first, second and third prizes respectively in the Macao Youth Music Competitions held by the Cultural Affairs Bureau. After graduated from high school, she furthered her studies at the University of Iowa of the United States from where she received her Bachelor’s Degree with honor majoring in Graphic Design and minoring in Music. During this period, Basilla also received her Grade 8 Piano from The Associated Board of the Royal School of Music. She then continued to pursue her studies at the School of Visual Arts in New York from where she earned her Master’s Degree. Basilla returned to Macao in 2003, working in the field of cultural development. After her return to Macao, she again furthered her studies following Tatiana Kriger, while obtaining the Diploma of The Associated Board of the Royal School of Music in Music Performance in 2006. Since then, Basilla is the accompanist of the Perosi Choir, and has performed with the Choir in Austria and in different parts of Asia. In 2012, she obtained a Diploma in Liturgy at the Saint Joseph University and had studied organ with Professor Aurelio Porfiri. In September 2020, she was appointed by Bishop Stephen Lee Bun-sang as the director of the Academia de Música São Pio X.
作曲家簡介 / The Composers
林樂培 / Doming Lam
Honorary President of HKCG (Hong Kong Composer’s Guild), Founding Director of CASH (Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong), Founding and Honorary Member of ACL (Asian Composers’ League), Doming Lam was born in Macao in 1926. Doming Lam studied music at Diocesan schools since childhood. In the early 1950s he directed the choirs at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on Caine Road, Hong Kong and at Rosary Church, Kowloon. He directed youth groups in mini-opera performances and drama productions, before leaving for Canada and the US for advanced studies in music and production of movie sound tracks. From 1964 to 1994 he was engaged in composing, conducting, teaching, producing television and radio music programmes, as well as the protection of music copyright and promotion of new music in Macao and Hong Kong.
Lam’s music is based on traditional roots with avant garde techniques, and has been widely performed in more than 50 cities around the world. His biography is included in the 2001 edition of the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians – an honour accorded to a Macao composer for the first time in the history of the territory.
In later years he devoted himself to creating music for liturgical use in the Cantonese dialect. Pater Noster (Our Father) which he composed in early days has already become an all-time favourite in Cantonese-speaking churches all over the world.
林平良 / Young Lam
一九六一年生於印度尼西亞,天主教徒,初中時受伍星洪老師影響開始對音樂產生興趣,並跟隨伍老師學習樂理入門。一九八零年應耶穌會士陸毅神父之邀請參加崗頂聖奧斯定堂歌詠團。一九八二年與巢樹森合作重組該歌詠團。一九九六年在多位熱心人士和江克滿神父的鼓勵下與巢樹森以該歌詠團的名義,出版《嚶鳴集》一、二、三集。一九九七年與伍星洪、巢樹森創辦嚶鳴合唱團並歷任該團團長。林平良的作品有《十字架影》、《Panis Angelicus》(天神之糧)和《萬籟頌聖母》等。
A Catholic, born in 1961, Indonesia, Young Lam developed the penchant for music under the influence of his junior high school music teacher, João Ng, from whom Lam took introductory lessons in music theory. In 1980 he joined the Choir of St. Augustine’s Church at the invitation of Jesuit Father Luís Ruiz Soares, and in 1982 he reorganized the choir with Chau Su Sam. Fueled by the encouragements from Trappist Father Kong Hak-moon and various enthusiasts, three volumes of music collections under the name Ieng Meng were published in 1996. In 1997, Lam, Ng and Chau founded Perosi Choir and Lam became its president. His works include The Shadow of the Cross, Panis Angelicus and All Sounds Praise Mary.
伍星洪 / João Ng
(請參看指揮簡介 / See introduction of conductor)